Cancellation Policy:

  • For cancellations made less than 24 hours before the scheduled appointment, a charge of 50% of the service will be applied to your profile. You will receive a text and or email with the invoice and portal to pay the fee.

  • In the case of no call, no shows, and same-day cancellations, a charge of 100% of the service will be applied to your profile. You will receive a text and or email with the invoice and portal to pay the fee.

  • All cancellation fees must be paid prior to scheduling a new appointment.

  • If fee has not been paid for within 7 days, any appointments scheduled will be deleted, and online booking will be restricted until fee is paid.

  • Cancelations due to sickness and weather will still result in a fee if cancelation is less than 24hours. Please call, leave voicemail if we don’t answer or email that you will not be able to make your appointment so that we know you are within the 24 hour period. Please let us know if you are not feeling well or not sure you will be able to or want to make it in due to the weather. We often receive notices in advance of inclement weather and on coming sickness. We’d rather you cancel then see if the appointment is still available after you decided that you can make your appointment

  • We do not want to charge fees, however it has become necessary due to the influx of last minute cancelations. We know that life happens which is why we give 24 hours. Please remember we are a small growing to be a huge business, with families and lives like everyone else. Your last minute cancelation can impact the ability to provide as we rely on your reservation of our time. ***PLEASE NOTE THAT IN THE EVENT OF INCLEMENT WEATHER OR TRAVELING IS NOT ADVISED OR EMERGENCIES AS A RESULT, THERE WILL BE NO FEE ASSESSED.**